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Wow this is a really great game, congrats to all the devs who worked on it :)

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(Hey, Day 2 dev here!)

Lovely to see Octalien make it to the end -- this was one of my faves to work on. And really nice to see my UI input still there! :)

Love the additions you made. It's really cool. Especially the colour change menu and the dropping into the water at the start ^_^

I love your header image, and all the changes you’ve made! thanks for bringing this to Day 6! Feels really fun to play now!

Here’s some gameplay if you want to add it to your page:

Thank you

Hey do you want help with your web GL build? have you seen my guide?

We tried everything on your guide, it fixed one crash, but not the second

Are you going to upload your project files? I can build it for you if you’d like!


Seems like this is failing because of compression have you tried turning it all off?

I sent you the build on discord

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I had this exact problem on one of my builds so that's probably it. I disabled the compression entirely and it worked 